Congratulations on Your Nomination
Now that you have been nominated for the Spirit of the Entrepreneur Award, we need you to complete a brief online profile form that provides us background data (e.g. number of employees, year founded) as well as some narrative information on the history of the business, what makes you and the business unique, and where the company is heading in the future. In addition, we ask that you provide some summary financial information on the business for (done based on ranges of numbers so that you do not have to disclose specific financial data). This information is kept confidential and only disclosed to our judging panel.
As we uphold the utmost confidentiality on behalf of our nominees and their submitted information, we require that all of our nominee profile forms are completed electronically through our online nominee submission system. Once nominated you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the online submission system so that you can begin completing your profile. If you may have any processing questions we encourage you to contact our staff directly for assistance. Thank you and congratulations on your Spirit of The Entrepreneur Awards nomination!

Once my profile is complete, what happens next?
All profile forms must be completed by the noted submission date. Your profile will be forwarded to our independent judging panel for review. Those nominees passing the first round of evaluation will be invited to attend a reception in which you will have an opportunity to meet with each of our judges so that they may learn more about you and your business. For nominees chosen for this phase of the judging, attendance is mandatory for the judging reception - please save the date for October 2, 2024, to attend.
If I was chosen to attend the judging reception, what happens after that?
After the judging reception, our judging panel meets to determine which of the nominees will be selected as finalists and ultimate award recipients. The day following the judging reception, the Spirit Awards will announce the selection of the finalists. The actual award recipients will be unveiled at the Spirit Awards gala on November 21, 2024, at the Riverside Convention Center. Learn more about the evening agenda HERE. In between the announcement of the finalists and the award event, our team works with each finalist to prepare for the event, including scheduling time for a video shoot at the business for use in the event program.
Please contact Mike Stull, the Founder and Director of the Spirit Awards, at 909.537.3708 or for more information.
Key 2024 Dates
- AUGUST 16 Nomination Period Closes
- SEPT 2 Nominee Profile Forms Due
- OCT 2 Spirit Semi-Finalist Judging Reception
- NOV 14Garner Holt Student Fast Pitch Semi-Final Competition
- NOV 21Spirit of the Entrepreneur Awards - Riverside Convention Center